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Week 5: Work, inequality and diversity in families


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This week you explore families and relationships from a social science perspective. This focus means that there is a shift from thinking about what contributes to the formation of individual identities to how individuals interact with each other. This reflects the scope of different social sciences. Some, like psychology tend to be more focused on the individual, while other social sciences like sociology or economics tend to focus on relationships between groups of people. This is not a hard and fast distinction, for example there is a branch of psychology called social psychology. 

This week you will:

  • explore how social science sees families and relationships
  • revisit the cycle of enquiry
  • discuss how the role of women has changed
  • learn about the concept of division of labour in the home
  • explore aspects of cultural identity and group belonging
  • use two families to see how where you live affects life chances
  • develop your note-making skills.