6 Summary
This week you have looked at the ways in which you can use networking to find out more about your sector. You considered the nature of networks and identified the networks that you already have. Following this, you investigated how you can make your networking effective and listed some practical tips for networking. As part of this, you looked at the concepts of psychological distance and the emotional bank account, and practised devising an elevator pitch. Finally, you thought about online networking through the professional platform of LinkedIn and managing your online profile on social media sites.
You should now feel that you can:
- define networks and networking, identify the networks that you already have around you and how networking can help you understand your sector better
- describe what can help to make your networking more effective, including the importance of establishing a good relationship
- explain good networking practice, including preparation and follow-up, the ability to open conversations and the elevator pitch
- outline the importance of managing your online profile and explain how to use professional networking sites, such as LinkedIn, productively.
Next week you will be looking more closely at different types of job market and how they work, providing insights into the different ways in which employers advertise vacancies and recruit staff.
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