5 The OU community
You’ve seen now that even though you are learning at a distance, support and community are always close at hand.
Some of the ways in which you can get involved in the OU community include the Students Association, online interactive events and social media. Let’s look at each of these in turn.
The OU Students Association
As an OU student you are automatically a member of the OU Students Association. You heard from a Students Association volunteer earlier in this session. The OU Students Association [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] enables students to influence how the University is run. They exist to promote your interests and to ensure the OU is more than just a place of learning – it’s a student community.
The Students Association aim to help you make the most of your time studying. Depending on what you’re interested in, they can help you get in touch with other students, take part in extra-curricular activities, find information and news, get help, attend events and access services to support your learning.
Like many student unions, they also run a freshers’ fair – so new students, like you, can find out about all the opportunities to get involved. This tends to take place twice a year.
Student Hub Live
The Student Hub Live (SHL) is a series of live, online and interactive events open to the whole OU community. The popular study skills workshops cover a variety of themes, from time management and creative note-taking to how to prepare for your exam or develop a good academic argument. As well as the workshops, SHL also offers remote live broadcasts, radio shows and podcasts
The SHL events allow you to get involved through the live chat, interactive activities and by putting your thoughts, comments and questions to the guest speakers. They are a fantastic way to meet fellow OU students, find out about the exciting things happening at the OU and meet the academics from your module materials, as well as other members of the OU. Students often say that the sense of community that they find at SHL is so important to their studies.
The SHL website has all the information you need: how to book an event, watch a session on catch-up, link to the podcasts and SHL blog, and how to subscribe to the newsletter and follow on social media so that you can stay up to date on all that is happening within the SHL community
This next activity gives you a chance to explore what’s going on in the OU community.
Activity 3 Getting involved in the OU community
Go to the SHL website and find out what events are happening soon. Book to attend any that interest you. Near the start of your module there will usually be events specifically to welcome new students so look out for these
Also check out the opportunities the OU Students Association offer to meet OU students online. There are clubs, groups and societies you can join, volunteering opportunities and regular meet-up events – both online and face to face (where possible).
Are there any events or activities that you’re interested in joining? All of this is completely optional but can support your studies as well as offering opportunities to have fun and meet other students. Remember to check back regularly for the latest events and opportunities.
Next you’ll explore another way to get involved in the OU community: social media.