6 Summary of Session 3
You should now be able to:
- understand who to contact in the OU in different situations
- access support that you might need
- join in with OU community as you want to
- understand how the OU uses social media.
Halfway checkpoint: how are you feeling about starting study?
Hopefully this course is helping you prepare for OU study. If, however, you’re not feeling confident about starting your studies, or you have any queries, you can request for your student support team (SST) to contact you using this form [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .
There are different start points for OU study as well as free additional materials to help you improve your skills. If you’re not feeling confident that you’re ready to start studying you could answer a few questions at Am I ready for success?. This will give you recommendations on what starting point is best for you. If you’re recommended to start with an Access module or do some additional preparation on OpenLearn but have already registered on a module, you should contact your SST to discuss your next steps.
If you’re not a registered student you can also give us your feedback using this short survey.
In the next session you’ll explore distance learning in more detail, find out about tutorials and how you’ll interact with students and OU staff online as well as finding out more about how your learning will be assessed.
You can now go to Session 4.