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Introducing the voluntary sector
Introducing the voluntary sector

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Course glossary

Monday, 3 June 2024, 10:55 PM
Site: Open Learning
Course: Introducing the voluntary sector (VOLB_1)
Glossary: Glossary


Identity can be used at different levels, e.g. personal, group, team or organisational identity. Personal identity refers to a person’s sense of self – who you think you are – and how society perceives you. Group, team and organisational identities are types of collective identity – how these groups develop a sense of shared identity as well as how outsiders perceive them.


To have an effect on or change someone’s behaviour or views. People who influence often have power derived from their position or wealth. Influence in the context of leadership often refers to change without obvious force.


In the context of volunteering, an intern is someone who works, often without pay, to gain work experience or as part of a qualification. Doing an internship is increasingly commonplace amongst graduates in private, public and voluntary organisations.