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Seeing institutions in different ways
Seeing institutions in different ways

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4.6 Interrogating a conceptual framework

I want to suggest one other way in which a conceptual framework can be used.

Earlier, I suggested you might create a spray diagram which held together the different concepts I’ve presented you with relating to institutions and institutional development. I also suggested you might like to ask questions related to the concepts.

I now want to put those two suggestions together.

Activity 7 Using a diagram to interrogate the landscape

Timing: You should spend no more than 1 hour on this activity

Create a spray diagram – or, better, spray diagrams – that are built around the concepts and annotated with questions. Here in Figure 1 is an example of what I mean.

Described image
Spray Diagrams

Table 2 presents some ideas to think about coming from the diagram.

Figure 1 Spray diagram around a conceptual framework

Table 2 Questions around a conceptual framework
rulesWhat’s wrong with the existing rules? Who’s breaking them? And why?
normsHow has behaviour been changing?
meaningsWhat sense will this change make to those supposed to benefit from it? Why are people objecting to the situation?
valuesWhat’s bad about this policy? In whose eyes?
big playersWhat power do they have? How do they relate to each other?

My diagram is abstract, relating to no particular development action. I do think the questions are good, despite this. I suspect your diagram will be better if drawn with a specific situation or development action in mind.

Now draw your own diagrams.