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The lived experience of climate change: e-learning and virtual mobility (LECHe)

The lived experience of climate change: e-learning and virtual mobility (LECHe)

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  • 5 hours study
  • Level 0: Beginner


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    • General

      These resources on climate change are for any individual or higher education institute to use, adopt or adapt to their own needs. They have been funded with support from the European Commission Lifelong Learning Erasmus programme and are at post graduate level.
      • Welcome to these postgraduate resources on climate change

      • Leading academic staff from 8 Universities across Europe have been involved in producing these resources. They include natural and social scientists and engineers who have come together in a truly interdisciplinary endeavour. They comprise three postgraduate modules, each with a textbook and a workbook, and a cross-cutting water case study:

        Module 1: Introduction to climate change in the context of sustainable development

        Module 2: The lived experience of climate change

        Module 3: Interdisciplinary methodologies for investigation into the ‘lived experience’ of climate change

        Water case study on the Nile and Rhine River basins.

        Individuals and institutions may use the resources flexibly. For example, institutions may accredit by adding formal assessment, and then each module will amount to 100-120 hours of study . They can also be combined as two or three modules into a single module. Alternatively, they may be used by individuals and institutions in whole or in part as resources without accreditation to support Masters dissertations . Finally they may be adapted and reversioned for any individual and institutional purposes provided that the terms of the Creative Commons Licence are adhered to.

        The resouces have been produced with financial support from the European Commission.They represent the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

        Grant agreement number 2009-3532/001-001

  • Course learning outcomes

    These resources on climate change are for any individual or higher education institute to use, adopt or adapt to their own needs. They have been funded with support from the European Commission Lifelong Learning Erasmus programme and are at post graduate level.

  • Course dates:

    First Published 10/11/2017.

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    About this course

    • 5 hours study
    • Level 0: Beginner


    0 out of 5 stars

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    You can start learning at any time. By signing up and enrolling you can track your progress and earn a Statement of Participation upon completion, all for free.

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