Welcome to the course
This course is designed to provide an overview of both fundamental and specific aspects of voice and communication change for trans and non-binary people. We will start with an overview of fundamental aspects of safe voice and communication exploration, including breath support, vocal hygiene and vocal anatomy. We will then delve deeper into the specific aspects that make up our authentic voice and communication, including:
- pitch
- resonance
- intonation
- volume
- articulation
- non-verbal communication
- language use and style
Course learning outcomes
To understand the vocal tract and production of voice
To understand breath support for speaking
To understand vocal hygiene
To understand all the different aspects of voice and communication
Course dates:
First Published 02/05/2021.
Updated 02/03/2022
To enrol on this course, sign in and create your free account
To enrol on this course, sign in and create your free account
If this is your first visit to this site, you need to register for a free account, then login on this site and click on the Enrol button for this course.
Course content
Course unit 0
Course unit 1
Course unit 2
Course unit 3
Course unit 4
Course unit 5
Course unit 6