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Environmental monitoring is a way of understanding the current condition and any changes that occur in the environment. Environmental change can occur to water, the land, the air, to plants and animals. Understanding environmental condition and changes can help support management activities, support policy development and its implementation, and develop information for sharing with the community, government and the wider public. The aim of this unit is to introduce why it is important to collect environmental data, some of the different methods that can be used, how to plan a monitoring study and how to analyse and share the information.
Analysing pesticides in the environment using GC-MS
Are you ready for S309? Self-assessment quiz for prospective students of S309 to test their level of skills prior to registering for the module.
Introducing Open University module S111, with a simple set of self-assessment questions to find out whether potential students have the right background to study S111 successfully. Feedback will be given separately on science knowledge and understanding, maths skills, computing skills, English language skills, and time management.
A short online course to support those looking to apply for the role of an OU Tutor.
This course helps to promote biomimicry in all practices on the planet. Explore its significance, and examples of its implementation in different disciplines, in addition to how can you help the planet be more sustainable in your own sector.
Innovation of sustainable production systems based on cooperation with birds.
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Businesses can be affected both directly from climate change and indirectly through government policies. Risks can occur from the impacts of predicted climate change effects such as increased temperature, extreme weather events, disrupted ecosystems and flooding of land. This unit is wrried for small and medium enterprises and people interested in how businesses can respond to climate change. It introduces key concepts such as risk, corporate social responsibility and engaging employees and enables businesses to quickly grasp the issues and opportunities for managing risks. Unit authored by Dr. Barbara L Jones
This unit seeks to explain what makes up a personal carbon footprint, and to identify alternative options in calculating one. For example, should footprints include emissions associated with goods and services purchased, or should they be restricted to directly attributable emissions, mainly from the use of energy and transport? There are many websites offering carbon footprint calculators, but the answers are almost always different. This unit will explain why this is the case, and allow you select the ones that you feel are most appropriate. Finally, a carbon footprint by itself achieves little; users need to be able to compare their carbon footprint with other people's, and to identify actions that might reduce the footprint to a desired level in the battle against global climate change.
This course has been designed by health care professionals, to support people with diabetes recap on carbohydrate counting skills and knowledge.
Climate change is not going to happen alone. As our climate changes other global environmental problems are going to carry on occurring, such as habitat destruction, pollution, soil erosion and species extinctions. What we currently have very little understanding of is how all these things will interact in the future. Climate change may make some of these problems much worse and some of them may themselves contribute to climate change creating a feedback loop. This unit identifies several global change problems that may interact with climate change.
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