Before the module starts

9. Encourage students to personalise their email / discussion board name

Many email systems and VLE profiles now allow you to add a photograph. Model by adding your own, and let students know how to add theirs. Respect individual autonomy and privacy issues – some may wish to use a different picture. You could even use this as a reflective exercise.

Example: Margaret asked her module members to add a picture to their email and VLE profile, including a screencast on how to do this. Although she modelled this using her own photograph, she used the word picture to enable choice. Most did post a photograph, but some posted other pictures e.g. a flower, a cartoon character, their national flag. She then introduced a discussion on digital identity, starting off the discussion with her own reflection on previously using a symbolic picture of her identity and now a photograph. This encouraged student reflection – whether because of this or not, one changed her picture to a photograph of herself.