Community Engagement

1. What makes a 'good' facilitator?

A picture of someone standing by a screen and facilitating a discussion with a group of people

The list below shows some of the key characteristics of a good facilitator:

  • Do your homework: understand your community or the community you are going to engage with
  • Set the stage: clearly explain what you are going to do
  • Manage expectations: clearly explain the potential benefits
  • Get to know the participants: learn their names and backgrounds
  • Encourage participation: do not discriminate but facilitate all to take part
  • Be an active listener: always listen and pay attention even if someone is not speaking in your language
  • Be observant: be aware of group dynamics
  • Be positive: always encourage and support community members
  • Use appropriate language and posture: use language and body language that participants are comfortable with
  • Be neutral: make sure you facilitate all views
  • Behave according to local rules and customs: respect local customs and decision making approaches
  • Record: make sure you document what is discussed so it can be shared with others and that the key points are remembered
  • Feedback and questions: ask for feedback and answer community members’ questions