Evidence and case studies


2.4 Choosing information and communications technology

Read Section 3 of the Compendium ‘Choosing information and communications technology’.

Information and communication technologies have the potential to improve teachers’ access, engagement, and learning outcomes. ICTs also enable TPD designers to address issues of magnitude in scaling. In selecting ICTs, designers need to pay attention to varying systemic contexts such as: ICT infrastructure and tools; teachers’ digital skills; and issues of equity across different sub-groups of teachers.

As you read, notice:

  • how TPD@Scale programmes employ ICTs to produce and make learning resources available;
  • where connectivity is poor or expensive or there are limited digital devices, teacher access to resources is through offline tablets, CDs, or SD cards in their own mobile phones, as well as printed materials;
  • where connectivity infrastructure is more developed, providers are increasingly creating complete online TPD programmes (content, support and assessment) usually in the form of MOOCs;
  • when connectivity and teachers’ digital skills are less secure, participation in online courses is complemented with in-person study groups or classes.

Watch a short animation that illustrates one of the examples in this section of the Compendium: TCTP, Tu Clase Tu Pais (Your Classroom Your Country). The TCTP reaches teachers across Latin America.

After you watch, click to read questions to answer in your Personal Blog.