What are birds?


            a) Is every animal that can fly a bird?       b) Can every bird fly

A red ladybird on a leaf.

Is a ladybird a bird?(click here to reveal)

No, it is not a bird. Although it has wings, can fly, and is even confusingly called a bird, it is an insect.


A rockhopper penguin standing in the snow.

Is a penguin a bird?(click here to reveal) 

Yes, it is a bird! However, penguins cannot fly. Instead, they can swim really well and slide on their bellies.

A bat hanging from a rope.

Is a bat a bird?(click here to reveal)

No, it is not a bird. Although it has wings and can fly, it is not a bird. It is a mammal!



Why can most birds can fly but some cannot?

Birds have light, small bodies with big, strong wings. Plus, their bones are hollow. 

Penguins, emus and kiwi birds have heavy bones which means they cannot lift themselves up into the air.