Bird diets and insects


Into the winter, insects begin to stop breeding as much and birds need to look for other food sources to keep them fed and healthy.

A blackbird standing on the ground.

The Blackbird loves fruit and berries so much that in the winter time,  blackbirds from Europe come to Scotland for our plentiful supply.

Blackbird's dawn song (click play above)

This bird is another very common one in the garden. Remember, most other birds still eat worms and insects in spring and summer.

A blackbird eating a holly berry.

Birds love all kinds of fruits and berries. How many fruits and berries can you name?

Different foods can be poisonous to different species. Holly berries cannot be eaten by humans or pets, they will make you ill. However, birds have a much higher toxic tolerance and so they love them!

Some gardeners and farmers might find birds a little annoying. A healthy garden/field is a buffet for some birds.

A scarecrow in a vegetable patch

Crops with seeds on the outside are easily-accessible for farmland birds –such as barley, corn or oat!

A field of barley.
A Carrion Crow sitting on a fence post.

Crows prefer to pull out the seeds from the ground.

Carrion Crow's call (click play above)

Freshly planted fields can be exposed to hungry crows. To stop this, some farmers use ‘scarecrows’ to ‘scare’ the ‘crows’ away!

Crows can help clean up the insects that might be harmful to crops, so should we let them into farm fields? Or will they eat all the seeds? What do you think?