Bird diets and insects


An apple tree orchard

When fruits begin to flower, some birds like to eat the buds. For instance, chaffinches might try to eat from apple trees, pear trees, or cherry trees. When fully bloomed other birds such as starlings may try to eat the new ripe foods.

Fruit and vegetables that grow out of the ground can also be eaten by birds. Strawberries, carrots, broccoli, or spinach are some examples. 

A basket full of broccoli.

What are some ways we can stop birds from eating plants we grow? Can we do it without harming the birds?

Can you colour in the birds using the clues? Well done! Now check your answers with your classmates.

The Golden Eagle is a truly huge animal. This bird of prey has excellent sight and hearing. They have sharp talons and hooked beaks which help them to kill and eat other animals.

A Golden Eagle sitting in a tree.

Despite their huge size, these birds are good at staying silent. They very rarely make noise, instead preferring to glide silently in the air, circling around their prey.

A Golden Eagle standing on a dead fox.

Found in the hilltops of Scotland, the Golden Eagle eats medium-sized mammals (ones around the size of a cat or smaller). This includes rabbits, hares, sometimes foxes… and grouse

Golden Eagle's call (click play above)

Can you put the animals and insects in the correct order