Bird diets and insects


The very last bird we are going to look at is the Puffin! This coastal/sea bird loves colder climates, and so it loves nesting on the coasts of Scotland.

A puffin on some rocks with fish in its mouth.

In some areas, puffins will stay all year round.

Puffin's call (click play above)

Even though they look and act a little like penguins, penguins and puffins aren't closely related at all! Puffins can fly and penguins cannot.

Two puffins on a grassy coastal outcropping.

During most of the year, they sit out at sea floating. More like penguins,  they are excellent swimmers, and they love to eat fish!

You have learned about 27 different birds in Scotland! Play this 'Guess Who' game to see what you can remember! In table groups, each player gets one card and others get one 'yes or no' question each per turn. Can you guess which bird your friends are?

You can ask questions such as 'do you eat spiders?', 'are you brown?', 'do you live in Scotland in the winter?', and more. Display the image of all 27 bird info cards below while playing to help with guesses!

Here are all the birds you've learned about! That's a lot!

You can download sheets of all the cards to cut out and stick up in your classroom.