Caring for birds and the environment


There are things in our homes that we need to watch out for to protect birds. 

Cats looking into a garden from a window.

Cats are natural hunters. One of their favourite things to eat are small birds. If birds live in our gardens, they might be easy for cats to catch.

Leafy gardens with lots of trees and bushes will be safe places for birds to live. They will have many places to hide and tall spots to look out from.

A leafy garden with tall hedges and flowers.

Why are dogs not as harmful to birds as cats are?

Another potential danger in our homes is our windows.  Especially if your window is reflecting trees and bushes from the outside; then it will look like the outdoors. You can help by turning off the lights when not in use, or by using window stickers!

An exterior window with reflections of the sky and trees.

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