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Peta Wilkinson Post 1

12 July 2018, 5:25 PM

Week 6 Actvity 8

Organisational identity in my organisation has shifted over time from  being merely a provider of care to an holistic engager with people about how they want to be supports, These changes have been bought about by wider societal changes, differiing patterns of care, how people now choose to engage, funding constraints, commissioning priorities, best practice reviews. The impact on collaboration with other organisations is manifest in terms of competition for resources, heirarchy in terms of size and recognition from external bodies, professional boundaries and regulation and who leads and controls. 

I see identify playing out really clearly in collaboration with other providers in the health and social care economy in a lack of willingness to compromise and judgemental attitudes which if they are to be countered, require us to think and act differently and challenge perception in an open and tranparent way.