Post your 'map' of collaboration in this thread. You will see that you can add this as an attachment to your message. Please be aware that the largest file size you can post is 500 KB. Alternatively, you may just want to tell us about the picture that emerges from your reflection on collaboration over the longer term.
- the changing structures of collaboration - the partnerships, working groups, joint projects that have all been part of the collaboration over a period of time.
- the individuals who have together moved the collaboration forward. Have the same individuals stayed engaged, or has this changed over time?
- the processes of the collaboration - the meetings, terms of reference, decision-making structures, and the ways in which they have changed, but also the informal processes that individuals have developed between themselves.
- the policy context. How significant has this been for the ways in which the collaboration has progressed over time?
- the organisations - have you been able to recognize shifts in the collaborating organisations' identities, or have these remained static?
In a context of continually changing structures, how do relationships between individuals, processes, policy, and organisational identity become woven together as the collaboration progresses over time?