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Monday, 20 May 2024, 5:36 AM
Site: OpenLearn Create
Course: Digital skills: succeeding in a digital world (Digital literacy: succeeding in a digital world)
Glossary: Glossary

5 Ds

A system for dealing with information overload. The 5 Ds stand for: Discard, Deal with it, Determine future action, Direct/Distribute it, Deposit it (i.e. file it).


Antivirus software

Antivirus software detects existing threats from viruses and malware and will attempt to isolate and destroy them. It can also block any potential threats. It is important to keep your antivirus software up to date at all times, as new viruses emerge.


Abbreviation of ‘applications’, usually meaning programs that run on a computer or mobile device.



Short for web browser, it is a programme used to navigate the World Wide Web by connecting to a web server, allowing the user to locate, access and display web content.



A framework developed by The Open University for evaluating information. The letters CAN stand for Credibility, Agenda, Need.

Citizen science

Citizen science is scientific research carried out – either wholly or in part – by amateur (non-professional) scientists.

Cloud storage

A public or semi-public space online where data can be stored and accessed from anywhere.


Copyright is an Intellectual property right (IPR) protected in statute in the Myanmar under the Copyright Law (2019). Other countries have their own legal systems for protection of copyright works. The law of copyright prevents the unauthorised copying of original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic content (often referred to as ‘works’) in any medium and in any territory. Such content would include software (programs and underlying code), novels, poems, plays, films, musical works and sound recordings, drawings, paintings, photographs and sculptures.

Copyright in Myanmar protects economic rights until and 50 years after the author’s death, 50 years after publication or creation of an audio-visual or cinematographic work, and 25 years after creation of applied artwork. Copyright comes into forces as soon as a work is created.


A virtual intelligent personal assistant created by Microsoft for Windows devices. Cortana can be set up to work on your PC (personal computer) and phone, enabling you to keep track of information and events wherever you are.

Creative Commons

Creative Commons is a type of licence which offers a quick and easy way to protect your own rights when sharing material online. Creative Commons licences, set out in easy to understand language and symbols, provide a means for establishing specific rights without the need to contact the copyright owner.


Crowdsourcing is when individuals or organisations obtain goods and services – including ideas and finances – from a large group of participants. It typically involves using the internet to attract and divide work between participants to achieve the end result.


Cybercrime is any criminal activity carried out specifically on computers or through the Internet.



Facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis. In an online context, data refers to information stored and transmitted electronically for others to see.

Digital footprint

A digital footprint is the permanent collection of data about you that is available online.

Digital identity

Your digital identity is the way you present yourself online.

Digital well-being

Digital well-being is all about feeling comfortable, safe and confident when you are using technology in an online environment. It is about feeling in control in a digital world, maintaining positive relationships with others online and avoiding unwanted behaviour such as cyberbullying.


A personal cloud storage service often used for file sharing and collaboration.


A search engine that does not track your online activity and therefore protects your privacy.



A method of conveying emotional tone and intention, either online or in text messages, using characters or small images. It began by using simple punctuation, e.g. the classic ‘smiley’ :-) but has evolved to include many different formats of small pictures, often called ‘emoticon’.


A method of conveying emotional tone and intention, either online or in text messages, using characters or small images. It began by using simple punctuation, e.g. the classic ‘smiley’ :-) but has evolved to include many different formats of small pictures, often called ‘emoji’.



Facebook is a popular free social networking website, used by millions of people around the world.

Fair Dealing

Fair Dealing is a ‘defence’ under copyright law. It means that, while there is provision to use content without permission, this use can be challenged by rights owners if they do not agree with the interpretation of Fair Dealing.

Exemptions under Fair Dealing are:

•              criticism, review, and more recently, parody

•              news reporting

•              personal study and non-commercial research

•              education (personal study and other limited provision).

The exemption for education allows students and academic researchers to access and copy the work of others (as they wish) as long as that original work is properly credited, and the use is fair. Note: use of a whole work (for example, a book) may not be fair under this provision. Students and researchers use reference lists and bibliographies to credit the contributions of others in the development of their own ideas.


Filtering is a mental process involving skim-reading, evaluation and quick judgements about what to do next. In search engines and websites, there is often a ‘Filter’ tool, which allows you to make your search more specific in order to narrow the results.


A firewall is part of a computer system or network which is designed to block unauthorised access.


A social media site for sharing photographs and videos. It is one of the biggest sources of photography on the internet. Some content can be downloaded by anyone under Creative Commons copyright licences.



Hacking is the gaining of unauthorised access to data in a system or computer.


A hoax is a dishonest or fraudulent scheme, usually with the aim of taking money from the victim. Examples include a person pretending to sell items which they never deliver or taking money for a service they will not provide. Another word for a hoax is scam.


Information age

The ‘information age’ started around the 1970s. It refers to a time when large amounts of information is available to all through computer technology.

Information overload

Information overload is when you are exposed to too much information or data.



A social networking site designed specifically for the business community, which enables registered members to connect and create networks with others they know and trust professionally.



Malware is software that is specifically designed to disrupt, damage, or gain unauthorised access to a computer system.


Online capmpaigns

Using electronic communication technologies such as social media to engage in activism, advocacy, marketing, and online petitions, especially by citizen movements. An example of an online campaigning site is


Personal assistant

In the context of life online, a personal assistant is a kind of virtual secretary who will do tasks for you such as scheduling appointments, organising travel arrangements, or just waking you up in the morning.


An online image organiser and viewer for organising and editing digital photos, which has an integrated photo sharing website.


Plagiarism is the use of another person’s material without credit.


A podcast is a digital audio file available on the Internet. Podcasts can be listened to online or downloaded to a computer or portable media player.


A framework developed by The Open University for evaluating information. The letter PROMPT stand for Presentation, Relevance, Objectivity, Method, Provenance and Timeliness.



Remixing means taking existing material and reworking it for your own purposes.

Right to be forgotten

The right to have information about you on the web removed from search engines so that it no longer comes up in search results.



A scam is a dishonest or fraudulent scheme, usually with the aim of taking money from the victim. Examples include a person pretending to sell items which they never deliver or taking money for a service they will not provide. Another word for a scam is a hoax.


Scanning involves looking quickly down the page to locate relevant words, phrases or images that you are interested in. This will help you to decide whether you should read further and how useful the website or document might be.


Screencasts are video recordings or transmissions of data displayed on the screen of a computer or mobile device, typically with accompanying audio.

Search engine

A search engine is a programme that enables users to find information on the World Wide Web.

Search operators

Punctuation or characters that you can use in a search engine query to narrow or widen the focus of your search.


A selfie is a self-portrait in the format of a digital photograph, most commonly taken with a camera or mobile phone held at arm’s length. Posting selfies is a popular pastime with users of social networking sites like Facebook and Instagram.


A built-in ‘personal assistant’ computer programme on Apple devices (iPhones, iPads and iPods) that enables users to speak voice commands in order to operate the mobile device and its apps.


Skimming a text involves getting an indication of the scope of the information, looking at the first sentence of each paragraph to see what it’s about and noting the key points in any summaries.

Social Media

The blanket term for online sites and applications which allow a large number of users to interact and share information digitally, for example social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter or media sharing sites such as YouTube.

Social networking

In this context, the use of internet-based social media sites and applications to connect with friends, family, colleague and other personal contacts.


Or synchronise - link all your computers and mobile devices together so that you can easily access your information from anywhere.


Or sync – link all your computers and mobile devices together so that you can easily access your information from anywhere.



Tablets are mobile computing devices which are operated by a touchscreen and have become a very popular format of personal computing in the last few years. For example, iPads and Microsoft Surface.


Tags are keywords which you can add to your resources in order to make them easier to find at a later date.


A term invented for this course, to describe the sorts of everyday tasks that make up our lives, ranging from the daily and the mundane to the less frequent but still important things we need to get done.


A digital programme or app that enables you to carry out a particular function.

Two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication is where the user is required to enter two pieces of information before they can log in to a website or piece of software. It is called different things by different websites; for example, Facebook calls it ‘login approvals’.



To ‘go viral’ describes the way a piece of online content can quickly be seen and shared across the world by a large number of people via the internet.


A computer virus is a form of malicious software, usually with the aim of corrupting the computer system, or stealing or destroying data.



Wikipedia is a free encyclopaedia, written collaboratively by the people who use it, using a website called Wiki which can be easily edited by anyone.

Wolphram Alpha

A specialist search engine for finding data.



A free video sharing site where anybody can watch online videos, and also upload videos they have created themselves.