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Sunday, 19 May 2024, 4:54 PM
Site: OpenLearn Create
Course: Digital skills: succeeding in a digital world (Digital literacy: succeeding in a digital world)
Glossary: Glossary


Facebook is a popular free social networking website, used by millions of people around the world.

Fair Dealing

Fair Dealing is a ‘defence’ under copyright law. It means that, while there is provision to use content without permission, this use can be challenged by rights owners if they do not agree with the interpretation of Fair Dealing.

Exemptions under Fair Dealing are:

•              criticism, review, and more recently, parody

•              news reporting

•              personal study and non-commercial research

•              education (personal study and other limited provision).

The exemption for education allows students and academic researchers to access and copy the work of others (as they wish) as long as that original work is properly credited, and the use is fair. Note: use of a whole work (for example, a book) may not be fair under this provision. Students and researchers use reference lists and bibliographies to credit the contributions of others in the development of their own ideas.


Filtering is a mental process involving skim-reading, evaluation and quick judgements about what to do next. In search engines and websites, there is often a ‘Filter’ tool, which allows you to make your search more specific in order to narrow the results.


A firewall is part of a computer system or network which is designed to block unauthorised access.


A social media site for sharing photographs and videos. It is one of the biggest sources of photography on the internet. Some content can be downloaded by anyone under Creative Commons copyright licences.