Glossary of terms

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In a formal SQA exam a human reader reads out text verbatim in an assessment to enable the candidate to access it. This may involve reading out all written instructions and questions to the candidate, or only certain questions and words as directed by the candidate. Candidates may also ask that their written responses are read back to them.

Reading comprehension levels

Ability to understand and gain meaning from what has been read.

Reading fluency

Ability to read text accurately and quickly and with expression.


The development of resilience or coping skills is particularly important to young people as increasing numbers are struggling through school and life with social and emotional needs that greatly challenge schools and welfare agencies.

A resilient child can resist adversity, cope with uncertainty and recover more successfully from traumatic events or episodes.

Route Map for Dyslexia and Inclusive Practice

Professional learning resource published by Education Scotland in 2015.

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