Tutorials on YouTube

YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/) is a video-sharing platform where you can search for, watch or upload videos. You can search YouTube through your search engine or by downloading the app on your smartphone. There are lots of video tutorials available on YouTube. Tutorials cover a wide range of topics, including hobbies like craft and make-up, learning a language or using your computer. In this course, we signpost to videos on YouTube for you to explore the subject further or find a visual guide. It can be a handy way to check if your operating system or browser is different to the examples we’ve used in the course. YouTube is not the only source of videos on the web, but we are using it for this example.

How to find tutorials on YouTube

  1. Go to YouTube.

  2. Type what you’re looking for into the search box. For example, ‘purl knitting tutorial’. Remember to include the word ‘tutorial’. Press the Enter key.

  3. Click ‘Filter’ below the search box, to the left. It opens numerous options in five columns titled ‘Upload date’, ‘Type’, ‘Duration’, ‘Features’ and ‘Sort by’. Filter to find what you need.

Described image

You’ll notice that in the ‘Features’ menu, you can filter your search for videos with subtitles/closed captions (cc). Closed captions enable people who cannot hear the audio to read what is said.

You can sign up for a YouTube account to save videos to watch later, subscribe to channels and like or comment on videos you’ve watched. As YouTube is owned by Google, you can use your Gmail account for YouTube.

Other tutorial websites