3.1 Two cases studies

I would like you now to carry out the following activity, which I will then discuss.

Activity 5 Understanding resilience in the Mzuzu Coffee Planters Co-operative Union (MZCPCU) and the Timber Millers Co-operative Union (TMCU)

Timing: Spend about 1.5 hours on this activity.

Please read the MZCPCU case study (Case Study 1) [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]   and the TMCU case study (Case Study 2), which you can locate by clicking on the links.

As you read each case study, using the resilience framework, make notes on:

  • The ways in which each case has demonstrated resilience.
  • The challenges that might constrain resilience in each case.
  • Any issues you would want to know more about or which might concern you in terms of future resilience.

Note: to help you order your thoughts on the evidence in the case studies, you could use a table such as the one below. When you are considering the dimension of innovation, try to identify what type of innovation or upgrading has taken place.

Co-operative X Demonstration of resilience Constraints on resilience
Collective skills
Role of government

3.1.1 Resilience and constraints in the case of MZCPCU