1.1 The Scottish Context for Dyslexia and Inclusive Practice
Scotland’s education system is an inclusive one which is ‘needs led’. This means that the provision of support does not require a formally identified label, for example dyslexia. In Scotland ‘Additional Support Needs’ is the standard terminology used when children and young people need more – or different support – to what is normally provided in schools or pre-schools to children of the same age. Our education system is designed to make sure that every child and young person is entitled to support to enable them to gain as much as possible from the opportunities which Curriculum for Excellence can provide.
As we consider the educational provision for learners with dyslexia in Scotland, it is important to acknowledge and consider the national agenda, legislative and guidance context within which local authorities, teachers and other educators work. Figure 1 provides you with an overview of the Scottish education and equality context.
The 2014 Education Scotland report ‘Making Sense: Education for Children and Young People with Dyslexia in Scotland [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] ’ was the outcome of an independent review of education for children and young people who have dyslexia, carried out on behalf of the Scottish Government.
The report identified 5 interconnecting recommendations for local authorities and schools, all of which combine to improve the outcomes for learners with dyslexia:
- Access to up-to-date practical advice and guidance on dyslexia
- Access to wide range of high quality career-long professional opportunities at school, local and national level
- Initial Teacher Education (ITE) and postgraduate awards should give high priority to developing knowledge and skills in relation to dyslexia
- Action to improve the quality of educational outcomes for children and young people with dyslexia
- Availability and use of reliable information on children and young people’s needs, development and achievement should be improved
1 Pedagogy, Learning and Subject Knowledge