2.2 How is Dyslexia identified?
Dyslexia and Assessment
Within the inclusive ‘needs led’ Scottish educational context - the ‘label’ of dyslexia is not in itself required in order for resources or support to be made available for learners. However it is equally important to understand that the label of dyslexia can be very valuable to the learner and their family in terms of the learner’s sense of self and gaining understanding from others.
The identification of dyslexia in local authority schools across Scotland takes place within individual authorities’ staged levels of intervention processes. Information on this process in each local authority should be publicly available on their website.
The assessment of dyslexia in children and young people should be:
- A process rather than an end-product. The information provided during the assessment process should support the learner’s next steps for learning.
- A holistic and collaborative process which takes place over a period of time, drawing on a range of observational and assessment methods. This approach reflects the ‘identification pathway’ within the Addressing Dyslexia Toolkit shown below.
The identification process for dyslexia can include the following:
- Observations –nursery/school and information from home
- Consultation with the pupil, staff and family
- Examples of free writing
- Reading comprehension levels
- Chronological reading and spelling – (if appropriate)
- Assessment of phonological awareness and processing skills
- Use of appropriate assessments – motor skills, organisation, visual perceptions.
A single standardised assessment or a screener is not considered to be an appropriate process to identify dyslexia. While the information can be helpful it must be recognised that it reflects a snapshot in time and that it cannot provide the in-depth analysis and quality of a holistic assessment which involves school staff, partners, the family and the learner.
Download the PDF files:
Identification Pathway for Dyslexia [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]
What to look for check list
Activity 9 Reflective Log
Do you know where to locate your local authority's information on identifying dyslexia?
If not find the policy through searching online or by talking to colleagues.
Record your findings in the reflective log.
Differentiation and the curriculum