1.1.1 Inclusion and equality in educational policy

Despite the range of legislation and policy which are in place and have been for a number of years, ensuring inclusion and equality for all learners is a complex process.

Activity 2

In your reflective log note down some of the factors which you feel contribute towards the complex process of ensuring inclusion and equity for all learners.

Click ‘Discussion’ to see some contributing factors which we thought. Do note that this list is not exhaustive.


  • Local authority, school/establishment/ management and practitioner’s understanding of:
  • legislative requirements and policy drivers
  • their duties, values and standards of their professional body, for example the GTCS standards for registration
  • appropriate planning and implementation for curriculum accessibility and flexibility when this is required
  • Local authority/School/establishment ethos supporting inclusion and equality.
  • Opportunities for children and young people to actively participate and share their views
  • Partnership working
  • Effective self-evaluation and reflection
  • Wider school community participation

UNESCO highlight:

‘The central message is simple: every learner matters and matters equally. The complexity arises, however, when we try to put this message into practice. Implementing this message will likely require changes in thinking and practice at every level of an education system, from classroom teachers and others who provide educational experiences directly, to those responsible for national policy’.

‘A Guide for ensuring inclusion and equity in education’ UNESCO 2017. http://unesdoc.unesco.org/ images/ 0024/ 002482/ 248254e.pdf

Module 1: Section 1.1 provided an overview of the Scottish context for education and inclusive practice, highlighting national agendas, legislation and guidance within which local authorities, teachers and other educators work (Refresh your memory of Module 1: Section 1.1 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] ). Figure 2 provides further details on some specific legislation and policies which support inclusion, equality and diversity within the Scottish context.

Described image
Figure 2 Scottish Educational Context

1.1 The Scottish context for dyslexia and inclusive practice

1.1.2 Additional Support Needs