1.2 Structural gender inequality

Structural gender inequality refers to the structures in society which contribute to men enjoying more advantage, power and privilege than women through how society is organised. Some examples of this are below:

Pay Gap

Despite the Equal Pay Act coming into force in 1970, women still earn less than men in the UK today. (https://www.fawcettsociety.org.uk/ close-gender-pay-gap [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] )

Activity 3

Why does this matter? – write down your reflections about why the pay gap matters in relation to gender equality

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When some women are paid less than men for the same work this is discriminatory undervaluing of a person’s work based on their gender. Recent research shows that unfair treatment of women remains common, especially around maternity. For example, 54,000 women are forced to leave their job early every year as a result of poor treatment after they have a baby. (Fawcett Society)

Care Gap

Women continue to play a greater role in caring for children, as well as for sick, disabled or elderly relatives. (http://www.carersuk.org/ for-professionals/ policy/ policy-library/ the-importance-of-carer-s-allowance)

Activity 4

Why does this matter? – write down your reflections about why the care gap matters in relation to gender equality.

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As a result of caring responsibilities more women work part time and these jobs are typically lower paid with fewer progression opportunities (Fawcett Society). Women are twice as likely as men to give up paid work to care (Engender Scotland). Twice as many female carers rely on benefits than male carers, at a rate of £1.55 per hour (Carers Scotland). These factors all lead to reduced income and reduced opportunities for women, and continue to feed the cycle of inequality.

Income Gap

Women are still more likely to be in lower paid and low skilled jobs, affecting labour market segregation. (https://www.fawcettsociety.org.uk/ close-gender-pay-gap)

Activity 5

Why does this matter? – write down your reflections about why the income gap matters in relation to gender equality.

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Twice as many women rely on benefits and tax credits as men. Gender stereotypes, unconscious bias, increased caring responsibilities, and discrimination all have a knock-on effect on women’s access to the labour market, and means women are disproportionately affected by cuts to benefits and services. Women’s poverty is also inextricably linked to children’s poverty.

Power Gap

Women have unequal access to power, decision-making and participation throughout all areas of public life. (https://www.engender.org.uk/ content/ publications/ SEX-AND-POWER-IN-SCOTLAND-2017.pdf)

Activity 6

Why does this matter? – write down your reflections about why the power gap matters in relation to gender equality.

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The majority of those in senior positions of authority in Scotland are men – including senior police officers (93%), sheriffs (77%), newspaper editors (100%), directors of FTSE 100 firms (100%) and university principles (74%) This means women are not able to participate fully in society and to exercise equal citizenship as men when they do not have the same access to opportunities. (Engender, 2017)

Representation Gap

Today, despite making up 52% of the population in Scotland, women only make up 36% of public boards, fewer than 35% of MSPs and 24% of Councillors. (Women 50:50 campaign)

Activity 7

Why does this matter? – write down your reflections about why the representation gap matters in relation to gender equality.

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Every decision made at these levels impacts our daily lives and so people impacted by these decisions should be around the decision making table. Women's lived experiences need to be included in these decisions, as do disabled people, black minority ethnic people, LGBT people, carers, young people, and immigrants. When women are missing from these roles and from public life, not only does their status diminish in society but we allow young people (particularly girls) to perceive that leadership and politics is not for them; you cannot be what you cannot see. (Women 50:50 campaign)

Freedom and Safety Gap

Women and girls are at a significantly higher risk of interpersonal and gender-based violence limiting their freedom of movement and personal safety. (https://beta.gov.scot/ publications/ equally-safe/)

Activity 8

Why does this matter? – write down your reflections about why the freedom and safety gap matters in relation to gender equality.

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Violence against women and girls is a cause and consequence of gender inequality. Violence against women and girls (including domestic abuse, coercive control, stalking, harassment, sexual assault, female genital mutilation, forced marriage and non-consensual sharing of intimate images) can have a profound impact on all areas of a woman’s life. From preventing a woman from accessing education and employment, isolation from social communities, undermining confidence and self-efficacy, and causing physical and psychological harm – violence and abuse prevent women from exercising their equal rights in all spheres of society.

Activity 9

How aware are you of levels of gender inequality in the UK? Add your best guess to the questions below:

QuestionYour guess
What is the current UK overall pay gap between men and women for full time workers?
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What percentage of those who receive Carer’s Allowance in UK are women?
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What percentage of lone parents, dependent on income support in UK, are women?
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What percentage of women in UK have experienced some form of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking?
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What percentage of people in UK earning less than the living wage are women?
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What percentage of cuts to social security will have come from women’s incomes between 2010 and 2020 in UK?
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What percentage of MPs are women? (since June 2017 election)
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How many years is it estimated to take before we see a gender-balanced UK parliament?
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What percentage of those working in the low paid care and leisure sector are women?
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What percentage of those working in STEM occupations (which are generally higher paid) in UK are estimated to be women?
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What is the current UK overall pay gap between men and women for full time workers?13.9%
What percentage of those who receive Carer’s Allowance in UK are women?72%
What percentage of lone parents, dependent on income support in UK, are women?95%
What percentage of women in UK have experienced some form of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking?45%
What percentage of people in UK earning less than the living wage are women?60%
What percentage of cuts to social security will have come from women’s incomes between 2010 and 2020 in UK?86%
What percentage of MPs are women? (since June 2017 election)32%
How many years is it estimated to take before we see a gender-balanced UK parliament?50
What percentage of those working in the low paid care and leisure sector are women?80%
What percentage of those working in STEM occupations (which are generally higher paid) in UK are estimated to be women?21%



Carers UK (2015) The Importance of Carer’s Allowance http://www.carersuk.org/ for-professionals/ policy/ policy-library/ the-importance-of-carer-s-allowance;

Engender (2017) https://www.engender.org.uk/ content/ publications/ SEX-AND-POWER-IN-SCOTLAND-2017.pdf;

Scottish Government, https://beta.gov.scot/ publications/ equally-safe/

Women’s Budget Group (2016) The impact on women of the 2016 Budget;

Walby, S & Allen, J (2004);

Women 50:50 campaign;

https://www.wisecampaign.org.uk/ resources/ 2016/ 11/ women-in-the-stem-workforce-2016 )

1.1 Introduction to Gender Inequality

1.3 Gender inequality and childhood