3.2 Dimensions of STEM Capital

The Enterprising Science project identifies eight key dimensions of Science Capital. Here we have extended the definitions to include STEM capital.

  1. STEM Literacy
  2. STEM-related attitudes, values and dispositions
  3. Knowledge about the transferability of STEM subjects
  4. STEM media consumption
  5. Participation in out of school STEM learning contexts
  6. Family STEM skills, knowledge and qualifications
  7. Knowing people in STEM related roles
  8. Talking about STEM topics in everyday life
Described image
Clock by Geralt, licensed as CC0

Take a minute to read an overview of the 8 dimensions of science capital:

http://www.kcl.ac.uk/ sspp/ departments/ education/ research/ Research-Centres/ cppr/ Research/ currentpro/ Enterprising-Science/ 01Science-Capital.aspx [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]

Consider what the Science Museum is doing to embed the 8 dimensions into their work: https://transformingpractice.sciencemuseum.org.uk/ 2016/ 09/ 01/ dsfasoi-pifjo-dfsfij/

Activity 3

Take a few minutes to think about the eight dimensions and note in your learning log where you might be able to address one or more of them through classroom activity or at the level of school policy. Note also what support you would need from colleagues to take these actions forward. Save your notes. You will be asked to share your thoughts with your study group.

3.3 What can be done about it?