2.2.6 Funding needs and sources
A teacher policy needs to be budgeted in all its dimensions (Chapter 3), including the policy development process (Chapter 4) and implementation (Chapter 5). Teacher preparation, recurring costs (mostly staff salary and benefits) and capital costs related to teaching, and linked to the national, local or school budget projections as appropriate, should figure in the policy. As with other education objectives – increasingly present in international indicator work – the policy may establish public budgetary allocation targets for specific policy line items, supplemented by national private (enterprise, community, family)Footnote 5 and international donor contributions. Among others, the percentage of national resources necessary for major dimensions of a healthy teaching profession merit attention: the numbers of newly qualified teachers to meet attrition projections; initial teacher education; CPD for all teachers; salaries to attract and retain effective teachers; incentives for balanced deployment; social security; and the various components of teaching/learning conditions related to education objectives. Where necessary, the policy may delineate alternative funding sources (Chapter 3) to ensure adequate financing of these dimensions, if not already set out in the national education plan (IIEP and GPE, 2012: 10–11, 14–15, 22; ILO, 2012; UNESCO, 2012a: 46–49).
2.2.5 Relevant data and management