2.3.3 UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS)
- UNESCO-UIS collects global teacher data and maintains an online database (http://www.uis.unesco.org/ Education/ Pages/ teachers-statistics.aspx [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] ) for approximately mostly low-income 150 countries. Such indicators allow users of this Guide to compare indicators in their country with those of similar countries in their region or globally. The data and indicators cover:
- Teacher headcounts, by level of education (early childhood, primary, secondary), public or private, programme orientation (general education, TVET), gender and training status (trained or untrained)
- Trained or qualified teachers, including the percentage of trained teachers, of qualified teachers ,and of trained and qualified teachers
- Teacher and gender
- PTRs.
Annual data collection and indicators for 64 high-andmiddle-income countries include:
- Teacher age profiles: by gender and level of education (all programmes); proportions of teachers in different age categories; proportions of females and males by age categories; percentage of teachers less than five years away from retirement
- Teacher qualifications: highest level of education completed, compared to level of education taught; distribution of teachers by qualification level; minimum International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) level required to teach; minimum number of years of training required to teach
- Teacher salaries: by level of education (general programmes, relative to GDP/purchasing power parity); length of service (starting salary, salary after fifteen years and salary at end of career); training status (trained vs. untrained); educational level taught (ISCED 1-3); total remuneration (including salary and additional bonuses); percentage of additional bonuses as compared to total income
- Teacher workload: working and teaching hours by level of education; proportion of working time used to teach; proportion of working hours allocated to professional development; teacher unit cost; and total annual working/teaching weeks, days or hours.
Regional modules covering the majority of African countries, some Arab states and South and East Asia variously provide indicators from the data collected, such as teacher headcounts and characteristics, including age, sex, training and qualification, subject taught, teaching experience and professional status and type of institution. Special factsheets on teacher needs to meet UPE goals are also available. The UIS is developing a global module on teachers, to be launched in 2015, that will consolidate much of the data and indicators at global and regional level.
2.3.2 UNESCO