2.3.7 World Bank
The World Bank’s online Systems Approach for Better Results in Education (SABER) contains a teacher component, SABER-Teachers (http://saber.worldbank.org/ index.cfm?indx=8&pd=1&sub=0 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] ), which documents and analyses teacher policies in public schools of education systems in fifty middle and low-income countries and territories. SABER-Teachers collects, organizes and analyses information to classify levels (latent to advanced) at which education systems reach policy goals and publishes a framework paper on teacher policies, country and regional analytical reports on eight policy goals:
- Setting clear expectations for teachers
- Attracting the best people into teaching
- Preparing teachers with useful training and experience
- Matching teachers’ skills with students’ needs
- Leading teachers – with strong principals
- Monitoring teaching and learning
- Supporting teachers to improve instruction
- Motivating teachers to perform.
The information and analytical reports can be used by policy and decision-makers to determine how their systems and comparable national systems meet policy objectives as a means to develop or revise teacher policies. Supporting laws from selected countries in the national languages are also available for consultation through the SABER website links.
2.3.6 International Labour Organisation (ILO)