3.7.1 Structure and content of standards
Most current standards documents are generic, in that they are common to teachers of most levels and subjects – with some notable exceptions like Chile, which has elaborated specific standards for primary teachers and specialist teachers in secondary schools (Ingvarson, 2012).
Some standards frameworks define two to four different attainment levels, based on core competences and teacher career stages. These levels include standards for provisional registration (graduate, entry level, emerging and beginning teachers), full registration (proficient teachers), accomplished teachers (experienced and advanced) and lead teachers (distinguished).
Standards frameworks typically have several levels, from general to specific statements (see Table 3.1). However, not all standards frameworks contain all levels, and they may also differ in matters of detail.
Level 1 Principles | Guiding vision of quality learning and teachers’ work |
Level 2 Domains | Organising categories for the teaching standards |
Level 3 Standards | Descriptions of what teachers should know and be able to do within each domain |
Level 4 Elaborations | Elaboration of what the standards mean for particular fields of teaching |
3.7 Teacher standards