5.5.2 Implementation capacity

Adequate capacity to implement a policy effectively is crucial in ensuring success. Among the factors that can be directly influenced by policy- and decision-makers, a capacity analysis of key actors for implementation should at least consider:

  • Public-sector management and institutions: the quality of public administration and civil service management at all levels involved in implementing a teacher policy;transparency, accountability and capacity to establish a dialogue with stakeholders; the quality of budgetary and financial management; and the level and efficiency of revenue mobilization
  • Educational administration and teacher management and support: the effectiveness of individual roles and responsibilities at various levels; structures; lines of authority; communication and coordination; and monitoring and evaluation
  • The competencies of individual officials or agents: the qualifications, competences, skills, training and incentives of officials involved in implementing the policy
  • Private-sector education providers and non-state actors: the responsibilities, and human and financial capacity to supplement public sector responsibilities.

Successful implementation crucially requires developing and enhancing capacity to take into account these factors. Where gaps are identified, training in planning, management, communication and other skills should be considered in advance of or parallel to implementation. Any external technical support (e.g. individuals, institutions/agencies or governments) should be targeted to further develop national capacity, whether at the central, regional or local level (IIEP and GPE, 2012: 8, 13, 24). Trinidad and Tobago’s strategic education plan’s goal of transforming the Ministry of Education into a high-performing organization outlines the strategy/priority on institutional capability and capacity, with a focus on seventeen activities related to leadership, governance and integrated management; monitoring and evaluation systems; planning; policy development and management; operations and processes; and information systems management (MOE/Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, 2012: 16–18).

5.5.1 Responsibilities: leadership and management

5.5.3 Governance: implementation bodies/structures