3.3 Managing classroom interactions to create a positive, respectful and accepting environment.
Teachers’ behaviours and their classroom management contribute to creating a calm environment that promotes learning. With their behaviours, teachers can model behaviours and attitudes that promote inclusion, and encourage pupils to adopt such behaviours.

Activity 13: When the behaviours of pupils promote inclusion
This activity will allow the teacher to reflect on the impact of pupils’ behaviours in creating an inclusive environment.
- What is Kondi complaining about, his peers’ meanness or his teacher’s lack of awareness?
- What kind of behaviour can the teacher adopt to help Kondi?
- In addition to the teacher’s behaviour, think about other conditions that could be put in place to create a calm atmosphere that promotes learning.
- Kondi mentions that his classmates push him while playing. As a teacher, how could you help the pupils to adopt inclusive behaviours and attitudes?
- Read Section 3 of Module 2 of ‘Life Skills (Primary) [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] ’ on the TESSA website. What ideas do Mrs Aber and Ms Okon give? Add them to your list.
If you are working with one or several colleagues, compare and share your answers and ideas, and discuss the things that could be possible in your school.
All pupils need their teachers to show that they really care for them. When the teacher makes a conscious effort to know each pupil, it encourages him or her to do better, to integrate better and to participate more in class.
To establish a peaceful, safe and comfortable environment, teachers have to be proactive. For example, if teachers notice displays of aggressive behaviours by pupils, they may address these by using games and activities that develop empathy and encourage good social behaviours. The class will then be able formalise a shared and agreed set of internal rules.
3.2 Answering the specific needs of the pupils