Section 2: Ways towards fluency and accuracy
Key Focus Question: How can you help pupils gain confidence in using specific language structures?
Keywords: verbs; adverbs; drills; poems; songs; edits
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this section, you will have:
- guided your pupils towards control of the structures of the additional language;
- used drills, songs, poems and stories to teach language structures;
- helped your pupils to monitor their own work as they look for meaning and correct use of verbs.
As a teacher of the additional language, you need to be always looking for new ways to give your pupils experience of that language. If they are given opportunities to practise it, their use of the language will become more fluent and accurate.
This section introduces you to useful exercises that focus on particular tenses or structures.
Remember that the activities you choose need to have meaning for the pupils, either within the activity, or within their lives (preferably both).
Resource 2: Recipes