Resource 1: Map symbols

Background information / subject knowledge for teacher


Road: National freewayTrigonometrical beacon
Road:National routeUrban built-up area
Road:Arterial routeBuilding (of significance or isolated)
Road: Main roadBridge
Road: Secondary roadCultivated land
Railway (showing a station)Row of trees (where of significance)
River: Perennial (has water all year)Wind pump
River: Non-perennial Communication tower
DamEroded area
Pan: PerennialBoundary: International
Pan: Non-perennialBoundary: Provincial
Pan: DryBoundary: Cadastral farm (original farm)
CanalBoundary: Game reserve
Powerline (major lines only)Boundary:State forest
Spot height (elevation at a point)Contour
ChurchesTree: Deciduous
Tree: PalmTree: Evergreen

3. Working together to create a map

Resource 2: Sample map