1.3 Health and wellbeing
Earlier in this section, you heard from carers talking about the kinds of roles or responsibilities they have in their caring role. Understanding the range of experiences carers have will help you to develop supportive strategies to keep student carers in university and on a successful path.
Now let’s look at how caring might affect a carer’s health and wellbeing.
[Caring] can often lead to us being more isolated from our peers as they simply cannot empathise with the often traumatic situations we have come from.
Now let’s hear from Rebecca again as she talks about the impact of her caring role on her wellbeing while at university in this video.
Transcript: Video 1.2 My caring role and the impact on university
[My caring role and the impact on university]
[The emotional impact of caring while at university]
Activity 1.3 Supporting student carers
Having watched Video 1.2, what kind of changes could you help put in place to support student carers like Rebecca in your institution? Make some notes in the text box below or in your learning journal if you’re using one.
Here are some examples to get you started:
- Simplify an existing system or process.
- Raise awareness with colleagues or carers.
- Build internal partnerships with colleagues or externally with other institutions or organisations.
- Add resources to the carer page on your website.
- Share health and wellbeing information on social media or through your student carer networks.
Facts about student carers