Section 2: Student carer experiences at university
Welcome to Section 2 of the Carer Aware at University course. In this section we will build on Section 1 and develop a deeper understanding of how a caring role could impact on a student carer’s experience at university. We will explore both the barriers and the opportunities a caring role can create for a student.
Section learning outcomes
On completing this section, you will be able to:
Demonstrate an awareness of the skills a carer can develop through their unpaid caring role and how they can be applied to their learning.
Identify the issues that affect carers while they are studying and their academic experience.
Explore strategies that can make a difference to the life of a student carer.
Reflect on stereotyping and assumptions that might affect how you support student carers.
Now move onto 2.1 What student carers bring to university [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .