This course was developed in partnership between Carers Trust Scotland and The Open University in Scotland.
A group of student carers and practitioners came together to co-create the course, building on content already developed by the College Development Network for colleges staff. The group included Charlotte (student carer), Stephen (Young Carers Ambassador) and practitioners from The Open University in Scotland, Glasgow Caledonian University, Heriot-Watt University (Carers Support working group), the University of Stirling and the College Development Network.
Thank you to the students who were filmed for this course: Charlotte, Stephen, Bethany, Hannah- Rose and Rebecca. Thank you also to the students who participated in the student carer research and whose experiences inform the course.
Thank you to Sam and Steven for editing the film clips.
This course was funded by Carers Trust Scotland and the Open University in Scotland, with thanks to the Scottish Funding Council for Going Higher project funding.
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