Outcome Agreements

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In addition to the legislation that protects carers, students are supported by recommendations from the Scottish Funding Council (SFC) that relate to carers in higher education. The SFC outline their expectations through an Outcome Agreement with each college and university.

What is an Outcome Agreement?

Outcome Agreements set out what colleges and universities plan to deliver in return for their funding from us. SFC Outcome Agreement Managers work with institutions to develop their Outcome Agreements.

(Scottish Funding Council, n.d.a)

SFC recognises student carers as a group ‘at risk’ of not achieving their full potential, from aspirations through to successful outcomes and employment.

(Scottish Funding Council, n.d.b)

The SFC undertakes an annual Outcome Agreement process that provides a mechanism for universities to report on the impact institutional strategies have on a number of groups, including student carers.

The SFC lay out the following recommendations to universities in relation to their responsibility towards student carers:

  • Universities will continue to improve support for students and staff with caring responsibilities.
  • Universities should use Carers Trust Scotland’s definition of a carer and be encouraged to work in partnership with Carers Trust Scotland.
  • Universities are encouraged to fully support and participate in the Carers Trust Going Higher for Student Carers: Recognition Award.
  • Institutions are required to publish a Student Carers Policy and are recommended to have a signed Student Carer Statement of Intent.
  • Student carers should have the same level of support as care-experienced students as per the university’s corporate parenting responsibilities.
  • Universities should provide a named point of contact for student carers for advice and support from the point of entry through to graduation.
  • Universities should have a dedicated webpage outlining the support available to student carers and how to access it.
  • Universities should include carers in their widening participation and outreach work.
  • Universities should include carers in their contextualised admissions policy.

    (Scottish Funding Council, n.d.b)

  • The SFC endorses the Carer Positive award, operated by Carers Scotland, which demonstrates a commitment from employers in providing carer friendly policies and working practice.

    (Carer Positive, n.d.)

1.4  Legislation and policy related to student carers