3.1 Getting in and staying in – the choice to go to university
In 2020, Carers Trust Scotland undertook research entitled The Student Carer Experience in Scotland (Martin, 2020). A total of 391 people took part in the research, including 137 student carers, university and college staff, and carer support workers. The aim of this in-depth study was to understand more clearly what is working well in terms of supporting student carers and what the barriers are which may hinder their access, participation and success in further and higher education.
In this section we will draw on findings from this research as well as the experiences of the student carers you’ve met throughout the course.
Student carers on leaving home to go to university:
‘I’ve essentially left them. I think I had a real sense of having abandoned people.’
Carers feel guilty about leaving the person for a whole day and worry that this might put too much pressure on other family members.
‘I used to feel like I wasn’t going to be able to go to uni because of my caring role. I think you kinda feel bad, you feel like you’re burdening someone else if you leave.’
Applying to college and university is the beginning of a journey for students. For student carers, this journey is not just about their own aspirations; but considering how their choices will impact their cared for person(s) and other people around them.
Carers can often have feelings of guilt when applying to college or university. Taking time to prioritise themselves, rather than the person they care for can be a new and difficult experience for them. Carers are conscious that the person doesn’t feel abandoned, so thinking about their own futures and aspirations can be a challenge.
Activity 3.1 Widening access for carers
Consider your university’s widening access strategy and how you engage with carers before they come to university.
Make some notes in the text box below or in a learning journal if you’re using one.