3.3 Named contact for student carers
Having a dedicated member of staff who is the key contact for student carers is essential for Going Higher. A named contact can help to build rapport with the student, understand their needs, and facilitate access to appropriate services within the university and outwith the university. They can also advocate on the student’s behalf with colleagues across departments if needed.
Nothing is more disempowering to carers than having to repeat their circumstances over and over again to several strangers so that they can receive the support they need and are entitled too.

Transcript: Video 3.1 Advice for universities from student carers
[Advice for universities from student carers]
Activity 3.2 What support does your university provide?
Having heard from Rebecca and the student carers who took part in the research, make some notes about what support is already available to students in your university and how this is communicated. Make some notes in the text box below or in your learning journal if you’re using one.
For example:
- Publications, leaflets, posters or plasma screens on campus.
- Carers page on the university website and student intranet to raise awareness of information, advice and support available to student carers.
- Signposting student carers to local carer centres and other external services, such as mental health support or income maximisation, on the university website.
- Relevant policies, such as a Student Carer Support Policy.
If you don’t know who the named contact is in your university, take a moment to find out. Also make a note of the contact details for your local carers centre.
Someone to talk to