Well done, you’ve now completed Section 3. After listening to the student carers’ experiences, exploring the findings of The Student Carer Experience in Scotland research and completing the activities, you should be more aware of:
- the practical support and strategies you can develop and implement to enable student carers to learn successfully participate in university life, maximise their income and keep healthy and well
- the resources available to support you in your university to become more carer aware.
If you choose to move on to Section 4 you’ll use what you’ve learned so far to look at how your university supports student carers. If you are interested in working towards gaining the Going Higher for Student Carers: Recognition Award, or if you have already achieved the award, this will be an opportunity to reflect on where you are on this journey.
Next move onto Section 4: Going Higher Award [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .
Supporting staff to support carers