Going further: e-learning development tools
We hope that this course has made you realise that creating engaging online training material is within your capability.
However, if you want to go further, there are more complex tools available which can help you to generate comprehensive, multimedia, interactive online training materials should you wish to. If you are interested in immersing yourself in new tools and techniques for content creation, a web search for ‘e-learning authoring tools’ will bring up a range of current technologies you could try.
Many of these will be intended for commercial, large-scale providers, so you’ll need to check which, if any, suit your needs. At the time of writing, examples included Adobe Captivate, Articulate 360, Xerte Online Toolkits (free), Elucidat, iSpring, Camtasia, OpenLearn Create (free) and more – new tools emerge every year.
Activity: Applying to your context
Repurposing for online use
Think about existing training materials you have used in the past and choose something that you would like to repurpose for online use. Make a plan of how you could convert it and what you would need to do. For example, you may think of a PowerPoint presentation and make a plan to convert it into a screencast.
A person working for a human rights organisation had two ideas for how to repurpose face-to-face training to work online:
One of the things that we used to do during face-to-face trainings that we have lost when changing to webinars is the interactive role-play activities. It would be interesting to try and re-create this as a pre-recorded interview between two participants (with their consent) as an example of an interaction between a human rights defender and a client sharing their testimony. And break up the recording to ask learners what they think went well and what could have been improved in this interview scenario.
Another area of our face-to-face training that can be repurposed are the PowerPoint presentations. I would like to find some videos that can explain more succinctly what human rights violations are, and then use the webinar to discuss the video with learners, rather than trying to do all of it in written PowerPoint slides.
Now choose your next section.
End-of-course survey
If you have finished exploring the different sections of this course, please do the end-of-course survey [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] before you leave the course.
This survey gives you the opportunity to tell us about your experience of studying Take your training online and what you plan to do with your learning.
The survey should take no more than 5 minutes to complete.
Small interactive tools with big impact