
This Unit has given you the opportunity to listen to part of an Evidence Café discussion. Stakeholders in this scenario are important to the issue being discussed (in this case, migration) and will vary based on your organisation, domain of practice or research. A successful Evidence Café requires equitable communication amongst participants. Remember, a core principle for Evidence Cafés is to have equitable two-way exchange of understanding rather than a one-way transfer of evidence.

Unit learning outcomes

  • This Unit has developed your understanding of what an Evidence Café ‘looks’ and ‘sounds’ like in practice.
  • Building on evidence typology in Unit 5, you should be able to identify the different types of evidence highlighted in Video 2.1.
  • You now understand the importance of having the right stakeholders (voices) in your domain if you were to arrange an Evidence Café.
  • You have reflected on the importance of equitable communications (making sure every voice is heard).

Next move onto the End-of-course quiz [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]   to test your knowledge of Evidence Cafés before moving on to the End-of-course survey.

6.3 Actors and scenarios
