
This Unit has introduced the various kinds of stakeholders you might see in an Evidence Café on migration. The animation in Activity 2.1 introduced you to a range of people who held different views on migration and used different forms of evidence to support their claims. We then looked briefly at the Evidence Pyramid and other discussion objects as a way of structuring these discussions between stakeholders. From there we looked at some of the main types of migrants, the theories used to explain their migration, and then compared the migration trajectories of two countries.

Unit learning outcomes:

  • This Unit has introduced the types of migrant stakeholders you may find in an Evidence Café and to begin to understand their modes of communication and collaboration.
  • You have begun to engage with discussion objects as a way of constructing and communicating ideas.
  • You have been introduced some of the key issues around migration and the types, numbers and theories that can be used to help understand this.

Next move onto Unit 3 The Evidence Pyramid [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]   where you’ll learn about how you can conceptualise different types of evidence and how analysis can turn data into knowledge.

2.3 Understanding migration: theories, perspectives and stakeholders