
Often when stakeholders share their arguments for migration they present evidence to justify their arguments. This Unit has supported you in understanding the distinct levels of evidence (data, information, knowledge) produced from different depths of analysis. This results in stakeholders using a different quality of evidence in their discussions. The Evidence Pyramid is a clear way to represent these differences in supporting effective knowledge exchange. Using the Evidence Pyramid as part of an Evidence Café should enable effective knowledge exchange to answer migration questions. In particular this should help to identify the level of evidence required to answer our questions and what level of evidence we already have.

Unit learning outcomes:

  • This Unit has developed your understanding of the Evidence Pyramid tool for knowledge exchange with migration issues.
  • You have learned how to use the Evidence Pyramid to help you critically analyse evidence associated with a particular issue and, through an Evidence Café, to support communication and collaboration with those stakeholders.
  • You now have an understanding of different levels of evidence to support migration knowledge exchange.
  • You can use the Evidence Pyramid as a discussion object within an Evidence Café to communicate with migration stakeholders.
  • You have practically applied the concept of evidence levels for the Evidence Pyramid to support you in applying this within your professional contexts.

In Unit 4 Migration evidence [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]   you will learn more about applying the concepts of ‘data’, ‘information’ and ‘knowledge’ within the Evidence Pyramid to real migration data. In particularyou would look at how migration evidence can be applied to facilitate knowledge exchange to answer migration questions.

3.3 The Evidence Pyramid