Week 4: Policies and practices for inclusive growth in Africa


Welcome to the final week of the course. So far, you have been learnt about how inclusive growth might help us to understand the development outcomes of migration, and what role migrant entrepreneurs play in enhancing growth.

In a sense, this has all been an analytical task of how we can better understand migration and development in Africa. But what if we want to make a difference? How have people been intervening to enhance the development potential of migration? And what else could be done to promote inclusive growth through migration? This week, we will explore these questions of policy and practice.

In doing so, we address two of the course’s learning outcomes:

  • 3. Use the idea of inclusive growth to explain and expand upon what are considered to be the outcomes of migration for development.
  • 5. Support the design of appropriate policies to enhance migration’s contribution to inclusive growth.

4.1 Policy and inclusive growth