Searching on the internet

A website is a set of pages on the world wide web that are linked together in a meaningful way. This is what the home page of Lead Scotland’s website looks like.

Described image

To find things on the web, you need a type of software called a web browser. When you look for a particular website, the browser finds the content from a web server and then displays the resulting web page on your device.

A software program installed on your computer is a set of instructions that enable you to interact with the hardware and to perform tasks. For example, your browser software allows you to surf the internet and to read this page.

Table 3 below summarises the types of software installed on most computers.

Table 3: Browser software.




Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox and Safari (and some older computers may still have Internet Explorer)

Search engine

Google, Bing, Yahoo and DuckDuckGo

Operating system

Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, Chrome OS and Linux

Operating systems